Department of History
University of Notre Dame
434 Decio Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
kjarvis [at] nd [dot] edu; (574) 631-8130
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ph.D. in Modern European History, May 2014
Dissertation: Politics in the Marketplace: The Popular Activism and Cultural Representation of the Dames des Halles during the French Revolution
Director: Suzanne Desan
Committee Members: Laird Boswell, Mary Louise Roberts, Victoria Thompson, Anne Vila
Preliminary Examination Fields, Passed with Distinction, May 2010: Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Europe, Gender and Modern Europe, Early and Late Modern France
Minor Field: French Literature
M.A. Thesis: “Crafting a Revolutionary Identity: The Political Practice of the Dames des Halles, 1789-1791”; May 2009
Université Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2010-2011
Graduate seminars at the Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution française
Boston College, College of Arts and Sciences, B.A. in History, Summa Cum Laude, 2007
Senior Thesis: “Allez, Marchez Braves Citoyennes: A Study of the Popular Origins of, and the Political and Judicial Reactions to, the October Days of the French Revolution”
University of Notre Dame, Carl E. Koch Associate Professor of History 2020 –
Concurrent Faculty, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, 2022 –
Affiliated Faculty, Gender Studies, 2017–
Assistant Professor of History, 2016 – 2020
Concurrent Faculty Fellow, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, 2016 –
Concurrent Faculty Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies 2017 –
Courses Taught:
Old Regime France
The French Revolution and Napoleon
Modern France
From Humors to Hysteria: Human and Political Bodies in European History, 1517-1918
The Historian’s Craft Graduate Seminar
Baylor University, Assistant Professor of History, 2014 – 2016
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008 – 2010, 2013 – 2014
George Mosse Prize Lecturer, Department of History, Spring 2014
Instructor, Department of Communication Arts, Fall 2013
Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Fall 2008 – Spring 2010
Politics in the Marketplace: Work, Gender, and Citizenship in Revolutionary France, Oxford University Press, January 2019.
-Awarded the 2020 Louis Gottschalk Prize from the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
-Runner Up for the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians Award for Best First Book on the History of Women,
Gender, and/or Sexuality
-The American Historical Review Featured Review, Volume 125, Issue 5
-French translation, La Politique sur les marchés: Travail, genre et citoyenneté dans la France révolutionnaire, trans. Mathilde Ray, Presses
universitaires de Rennes, 2023.
Book Project in Progress: Democratizing Forgiveness in Revolutionary France, 1789-1799
“How Parisians Transformed Popular Credit at the Revolutionary Justice of the Peace: A Hidden Groundwork of Nineteenth-Century Capitalism in France?” Journal of Modern History, forthcoming.
“Les marchés,” in 1793-1794, Musée Carnavalet-Histoire de Paris, edited by Alain Chevalier, Aurélien Larné, Marisa Linton, Jean-Clément Martin, Guillaume Mazeau, Allan Potofsky and Charles-Eloi Vial (Paris Musées), 2024.
“Theatrical Markets: Parisian Spectators, Sociopolitical Communities, and the Madame Angot Plays of 1796 to 1803”in Emotions and the City: Urban Sociability in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France edited by Pascal Bastien and Brian Cowan (Routledge), submitted August 2023.
“Revolutionizing Mediation: Resolving Civil Conflict at the Justices of the Peace, 1789-1792,” Journal of the Western Society for French History, Vol. 46 (Published February 2020), 99-120.
“‘In the Name of Humanity’: Redefining Socio-economic Assistance in the Revolutionary Marketplace,” French History, 33, 4 (December 2019): 530-536.
“The Cost of Female Citizenship: How Price Controls Gendered Democracy in Revolutionary France,” French Historical Studies, 41, 4 (October 2018): 647-680.
*Awarded the James L. Clifford Best Article Prize, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
“Exacting Change: Money, Market Women, and the Crumbling Corporate World in the French Revolution,” Journal of Social History, Advanced Access: (October 2016), Print: 51, 4 (June 2018): 837-868.
“‘Patriotic Discipline’: Cloistered Behinds, Public Judgment, and Female Violence in Revolutionary Paris” in Practiced Citizenship: Women, Gender, and the State in Modern France, edited by Nimisha Barton and Richard Hopkins (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, January 2019): 19-49.
*Finalist for the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Emerging Scholars Award
Clare Haru Crowston, Dominique Godineau, Samuel Guicheteau, Katie Jarvis, Anne Montenach, Clyde Plumauzille “Genre, travail, et cité,” Annales historiques de la Révolution française, n°394, 4 (2018), 129-153.
“Position de thèse: Politics in the Marketplace: The Popular Activism and Cultural Representation of the Dames des Halles during the French Revolution,” in La Révolution française, 8 (2015).
Anaïs Albert, Fanny Gallot, Katie Jarvis, Anne Jusseaume, Eve Meuret-Campfort, Clyde Plumauzille, and Mathilde Rossigneux-Méheust, eds. “Genre et Classes Populaires - In Situ.” Special Issue of Genre & Histoire, n°17 (2016).
Lynn Hunt and Katie Jarvis, “ASECS at 50: Interview with Lynn Hunt,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 53, 4 (2020): 547-554.
“Book Review: Colin Jones, The Fall of Robespierre: 24 Hours in Revolutionary Paris,” The English Historical Review, advance access, (January 2023).
“Book Review: Timothy Tackett, The Glory and the Sorrow: A Parisian and His World in the Age of the French Revolution.” H-France Forum vol. 17, issue 8, #3 (2022), 1-5.
“Book Review: Pascal Bastien and Simon Macdonald, eds., Paris et ses peuples au XVIIIe siècle.” H-France Review 21, 2 2021), 1-7.
“Compte-Rendu: Dominique Godineau, Les Femmes dans la France moderne, XVIe- XVIIIe siècle,” Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique, n° 137 (March 2018).
“Book Review: Julie Hardwick, Family Business: Litigation and the Political Economies of Daily Life in Early Modern France, and Geraldine Sheridan, Louder Than Words: Ways of Seeing Women Workers in Eighteenth-Century France,” in Gender & History, 23, 1 (April 2011): 193-195.
“Council for European Studies Fellowship Report,” in Perspectives on Europe, 40,1 (2010): 21-23.
Kellogg Institute Travel Grant, 2025
Kellogg Institute Travel Grant, 2024
NEH Fellowship, 2022-2023
Nanovic Institute Faculty Travel and Research Grant, Notre Dame, 2021
Louis Gottschalk Prize, Best Book on an Eighteenth-Century Subject in Any Discipline, 2020
Finalist, Runner Up: Berkshire Conference of Women Historians Award for Best First Book on the History of Women, Gender, and/or
Sexuality for Politics in the Marketplace, 2020
Finalist for Emerging Scholars Award Article Prize, Nineteenth-Century Studies Association, 2020
ACLS Fellowship, 2019-2020
James L. Clifford Prize, Best Article in Eighteenth-Century Studies, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, March 2019
Kellogg Institute Faculty Fellow Research Grant, Notre Dame, February 2018
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Program, Selected by Provost’s Office, Fall 2017
Nanovic Institute Faculty Travel and Research Grant, Notre Dame, Summer 2017
The Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Henkels Mini-Conference Grant, Notre Dame, Spring 2017
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, Distinguished Fellow, Fall 2016
American Association of University Women, American Fellowship Alternate, 2016-2017
Summer Faculty Institute, Baylor University, 2016 (declined)
Summer Sabbatical, Baylor University, 2016 (declined)
Summer Sabbatical, Baylor University, 2015
Arts & Humanities Faculty Research Grant, Baylor University, June 2015
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, Tulane University, 2014-2016 (declined)
Natalie Zemon Davis Award, Society for French Historical Studies, April 2014
New Europe College International Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in
Bucharest, Romania, 2014-2015 (finalist, withdrew)
George Mosse Lectureship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2014
Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship, 2012-2013
ACLS Residency Fellow, University of Wisconsin Institute for Research in the Humanities, 2012-2013
Gilbert Chinard Research Fellowship, Institut Français d’Amérique, Summer 2012
Bourse Jeanne Marandon, La Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d'Amérique,
Summer 2012
Founders’ Dissertation Fellowship, Western Association of Women Historians, May 2012
Phi Alpha Theta Doctoral Scholarship, May 2012
Alternate, Dana-Allen Fellowship, University of Wisconsin Institute for Research in the Humanities, 2012
Fulbright Dissertation Fellowship, 2010-2011
Chateaubriand French Government Fellowship, 2010-2011 (declined)
Gerda Lerner Fellowship in Women’s History, University of Wisconsin, 2007-2008, 2011-2012
Marjorie Farrar Award, Society for French Historical Studies, March 2010
History Department Research Travel Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 2010
Council for European Studies/Mellon Foundation Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship, May 2009
Scholar of the College, Boston College, May 2007, (Distinction given for successful completion of an exceptional 12-credit senior thesis)
McCarthy Award, Boston College, May 2007, (Best Scholar of the College Thesis in History)
Patrick Durcan Award, Boston College, May 2007, (History major with highest academic rank)
Phi Beta Kappa, May 2007
Advanced Study Grant, Boston College, April 2005
National Merit Scholarship: James Casey National Scholarship Award, Funded 2004-2007
National James Hoffa Memorial Scholarship, Funded 2004-2007
Nominee, Kellogg Institute Undergraduate Mentoring Award, May 2022
Graduate Teaching Conference Support, Joe and Gina Prochaska Family Endowment for Excellence, Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning, April 2018
Professor Recognition, Alpha Chi Omega (Student Group), Baylor University, October 2014
University-wide Early Excellence in Teaching Award, UW College of Letters & Sciences, March 2010
Honored Instructor Award, University of Wisconsin Housing Students, Spring 2010
Early Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin History Department, May 2009
Honored Educator, University of Wisconsin-Madison Tri-Delta (Student Group), November 2008
« La citoyenneté économique et la recherche de citoyennes dans les archives », Colloque Citoyennes sans citoyenneté autour du travail de Dominique Godineau, Université Rennes 2, France, July 2025.
“Reconciling Resistance and Revolution in the Confessional,” Global Consortium for French Historical Studies, Paris, France, July 2025.
Invited Talk, “Genre, relations économiques, et citoyenneté pendant la Révolution,” for the Séminaire “Genre, conditions sociales, environnement,” Université de Poitiers, December 2024
“Jurisdiction over Souls: Contesting Confession in the French Revolution,” Western Society for French History Conference, San Francisco, November 2024.
Commentator, “Revolution,” Wisconsin School of French History Conference (1985-2024), University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 2024.Invited Speaker, Séminaire “Femmes et histoire économique,”for the Séminaire « Les relations femmes-hommes à l’épreuve des bouleversements révolutionnaires, » Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution française – Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, May 2024
Invited Speaker, Roundtable with Pierre Serna and Rafe Blaufarb on La Politique sur les marchés: Travail, genre et citoyenneté dans la France révolutionnaire and The Great Demarcation: The French Revolution and the Invention of Modern Property, Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution française – Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, May 2024
Invited Talk, “La Politique sur les marchés: Travail, genre et citoyenneté dans la France révolutionnaire,” for the “Familles et individus en Europe de l’époque moderne à nos jours - Qu’est ce qui n’est pas politique?”, Triangle UMR, Université de Lyon, April 2024
Commentator, “Rumors and Politics during the Early French Revolution,” Society for French Historical Studies, Hempstead, NY, March 2024
Invited Speaker, “Anger and the Crowd: Emotion, Contentious Politics, and Collective Action in the Age of the French Revolution” Roundtable with David Andress, Anger in History, Center for Historical Research, The Ohio State University, January 2024
Invited Talk, “A Revolution in Popular Credit: How Parisians Reconfigured Local Relationships and Market Dynamics through the Justice of the Peace,” Histoire de Paris, Séminaire GRHS, IHMC, IDHE.S, CRH, at l’Université du Québec à Montréal and Videoconference to Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, October 2023
“Principal Tenants, Subtenants, and Revolutionary Justice: Recalibrating Economic Power in Rental Relationships,” Society for French Historical Studies/ Western Society for French History Conference, Detroit, Michigan, March 2023
Commentator, “Capitalism, Empire and the State: The Revolution,” Society for French Historical Studies/ Western Society for French History Conference, Detroit, Michigan, March 2023
Invited Talk, “The Frontage Road to Nineteenth-Century Capitalism: How Local Justice Transformed Credit Relationships in Revolutionary Paris,” The France and Francophone Workshop, University of Chicago, October 2022
Invited Paper, “Theatrical Markets: Parisian Spectators, Sociopolitical Communities, and the Madame Angot Plays of 1796 to 1803,” International Colloquium: Émotions dans la Cité : Sociabilités urbaines en Grande-Bretagne et en France, 1650-1850, McGill University, Montréal, Canada, June 2022
“The Popular Origins of Modern Credit: Distinguishing Consumer, Occupational, and Personal Debt at the Revolutionary Justice of the Peace,” Society for French Historical Studies, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2022
Roundtable on Timothy Tackett’s The Glory and the Sorrow: A Parisian and His World in the Age of the French Revolution, Society for French Historical Studies, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2022
“Emerging Sites of Identity: When and Why Parisians Narrated Place in Revolutionary Courts, 1790-1792,” Australian Society for French Studies Conference, December 2021
Presidential Panelist, “The Enlightenment Origins of the Call for Social Justice,” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, April 2021
Guest Scholar, Seminar on Eighteenth-Century Political Economy, Florida State University, January 2021
“Perspectives on a New World: Jeremy Popkin’s Approach to Revolutionary Rights,” Roundtable Paper, Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Tallahassee, Florida, February 2020
Commentator, “Sacred Space and Catholic Space-Making in the Revolutionary Era,” Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Tallahassee, Florida, February 2020
“‘Deferring to the Request of the Parties’: How French Citizens and their Justices of the Peace Reconceptualized Civil Conflict Resolution during the Revolution,” Indiana University Bloomington, Invited Paper for the European History Colloquium, October 2019
“Between Civil and Civic: Women and Voluntary Judgments in Revolutionary Paris,” Western Society for French History, Bozeman, Montana, October 2019
“Work, Gender, and Politics: The Dames des Halles and Understandings of Citizenship in the Revolutionary Marketplace,” Invited lecture, Groupe de recherche en histoire des sociabilités, Université du Québec à Montréal, September 2019
New Books in History Podcast on Politics in the Marketplace, Interview with Julia Gossard,
September 4, 2019, Run time: 50 minutesCommentator, “Political Metamorphoses in the French Revolution,” Indianapolis, Society for French Historical Studies, April 2019
“The Power of the Purse: How Marketplace Networks Shaped Money and Modern Identities in Revolutionary France,” University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Invited Talk, February 2019
“Merchants, Activists, and Mothers: An Untold Side of Citizenship during the French Revolution” Butler University, Invited Talk, January 2019
“A Revolution in Forgiveness,” Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Work In Progress Session, December 2018
“Revolutionary Arbitration: A Transition in Justice or Transitional Justice?” Western Society for French History, Portland, Maine, November 2018
Commentator, “On the Margins in the City Center? Gender, Sexuality, and Urban Life in Paris, 1700-1940,” Western Society for French History, Portland Maine, November 2018
Invited Participant, Workshop on a Special Issue of French History on the Origins of Socio-Economic Rights, Warwick in Venice, Italy, September 2018
“‘In the Name of Humanity’: Redefining Socioeconomic Assistance in the Revolutionary Marketplace,” Society for the Study of French History, Warwick, UK, July 2018
Panelist, “Researching and Teaching: The Future of the Field,” Historians of the 18th Century and Revolutionary France in America: State of the Field Conference, Florida State University, April 2018
Invited Paper, “Reapproaching Rapprochement: Forgiveness from a Revolutionary Perspective,” Revolutionizing the Age of Revolutions Conference, Notre Dame Gateway, Rome, December 2017
Invited Panelist, “Corrupt Privileges, Civic Duties, or Earned Exemptions?: Socioeconomic Assistance in the Marketplace during the French Revolution,” Humanitarianism and Charity: Expressions of or Alternatives to Socioeconomic Rights?, Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz Germany, September 2017
Guest Faculty Presenter, “Researching and Writing about the French Revolution,” Global Dome Exchange Program (in partnership with the University of Oxford, King’s College London, and University of Edinburgh), Notre Dame Global Gateway, London, July 2017
Panelist and Organizer, “The State of the Field: A Roundtable on the History of the French Revolution,” University of Notre Dame, May 2017
Panelist, “Colleague, Scholar, Mentor, and Friend: A Memorial Roundtable Honoring the Life and Work of Rachel Ginnis Fuchs,” Society for French Historical Studies, Washington, D.C., April 2017
Chair and Commentator, Panel: “Welfare and Charity in a Secularizing Age,” Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Charleston, February 2017
“Exacting Change: Money, Market Women, and the Crumbling Corporate World in the French Revolution,” Western Society for French History Conference, Cedar Rapids, November 2016
Invited Workshop Presenter, “The Cost of Female Citizenship: Price Controls and the Gendering of Politics, 1793,” Premodern World Reading Group, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, September 2016
“The Patente: Property, Work, and Economic Citizenship in the French Revolution,” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Nashville, March 2016
Chair, Panel: “Spectacular Politics: Performance and Publicité in the French Revolution,” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Nashville, March 2016
Chair, Panel: “Colonial Spaces and Colonial Policies in the Old Regime,” Western Society for French History Conference, Chicago, November 2015
Discussant for Valentine Trépied’s Presentation “Routines et dépendance, l’étiquetage des personnes âgées en EHPAD,” Séminaire: Genre et classes populaires: Routines, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, June 2015
Discussant for Anaïs Albert and Nimisha Barton’s Presentation “La routine comme métier : les concierges parisiens et la gestion du quotidien des classes populaires, de la Belle Époque à l’entre-deux-guerres,” Séminaire: Genre et classes populaires, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, May 2015
Invited Paper, Weidner History Workshop on Revolutionary Economic Practices, “Regenerating Les Halles: Public Space, Particular Interests, and the Dames des Halles in the Revolutionary Marketplace,” at Florida State University, co-sponsored by the Institut d’histoire de la Révolution française and the Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, April 2015
“The Price of Citizenship: The Maximum, the Dames des Halles, and the Revolutionary Republican Women,” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Colorado Springs, April 2015
Chair, Panel: “Political Organizing in Empire,” Western Society for French History Conference, San Antonio, November 2014
*Awarded the Natalie Zemon Davis Prize:
“‘Patriotic Discipline’: Cloistered Behinds, Public Judgment, and Female Violence in Revolutionary Paris,” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Montréal, April 2014
“Politics of the Street: Gender, Community, and Popular Violence in les Halles, 1791-1793,” Conference in Honor of Rachel Fuchs, Arizona State University, April 2014
“Purchasing Autonomy and Selling Legitimacy: Inventing Gendered Citizenship in the Revolutionary Marketplace,” American Historical Association Conference, Coordinating Council for Women in History Session, Washington D.C., January 2014
Invited Talk, “Selling Fish and Negotiating Citizenship: Work, Gender, and the Body Politic during the French Revolution," Boston College History Department Workshop, November 2013
Invited Panel Presentation, “Comment penser le travail au croisement des catégories,” Atelier de recherche, CNRS Pouchet, Paris, November 2013
Chair for Presentation by Rachel Fuchs titled, “Les faiseuses d’anges du quartier Notre-Dame des Champs: Communauté et réseaux personnels,” Séminaire: Le genre et les classes populaires, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, June 2013
“Gendered Capital: Constructing the Parisian Marketplace during the French Revolution,” Gender in the European Town Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, May 2013
“Eminent and Indiscernible: What’s my Archive?,” Institute for Research in the Humanities Fellows Panel, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2013
“Commercial Engagements, Political Contracts: The Dames des Halles and the Construction of Revolutionary Citizenship,” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Cambridge, MA, April 2013
“‘I are Citizens of the Halles’: Forging Citizenship in the Marketplace during the French Revolution,” Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 2013
“Fruits of Labor: Autonomy, Work, and Gendered Citizenship in the French Revolution,” part of a Presidential Session, Social Science History Association Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 2012
Discussant for Lola Gonzalez-Guijano’s Presentation “Le cinquième quart: la prostitution des ouvrières parisiennes de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle,” Séminaire: Le genre et les classes populaires, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, June 2012
“‘Perfectly Imitated’: Mediating the Dames des Halles on Stage in Revolutionary France,” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Los Angeles, March 2012
“The Regeneration of Les Halles: Public Space, Particular Interests, and State Regulation in the Revolutionary Marketplace,” Western Society for French History Conference, Portland, November 2011
“Revolutionizing Ritual: Poissardes, Politics, and Public Display,” Conference on Holidays, Ritual, Festival, Celebration, and Public Display, Université Paris IV- Sorbonne, Paris, April 2011
“Les débats actuels autour du genre et des chemins de l’historiographie récente anglo-saxonne.” Groupe de travail autour du genre et des classes populaires, Paris, March 2011
“Negotiating Ritual and Revolution: The Political Activism of the Dames des Halles, 1789-1791,” Council for European Studies, Seventeenth International Conference, Montréal, April 2010
“Citoyennes, Cross-dressing, and Conspiracy?: Gendered Appearances and Presumed Intrigues in the October Days of the French Revolution,” Program in Gender and Women’s History Workshop, University of Wisconsin, November 2007
Hannah Stevenson, Dissertation Committee, 2022-
Alexa McCall, Dissertation Committee, 2023-
Alix Basden, Kellogg International Scholars Mentor, 2019 - 2022
John Nelson, Dissertation Committee, 2019 - 2020
Sydney Britton, Sorin Scholars Program, 2017-2019
Rachel Wang, Merit Scholars Undergraduate Research Mentoring Assistantship Program, 2018- 2019
Samuel Delmer, Merit Scholars Undergraduate Research Mentoring Assistantship Program, 2018- 2019
Tianyi Tan, Senior Honors Thesis, 2017-2018
*Published in the Journal of Undergraduate Research, College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame, 2018-2019
Sarah Abdel-Rahim, Templeton Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, 2016-2017
Tianyi Tan, Templeton Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, 2016-2017
Conference Organizer, Wisconsin School of French History, 1985-2024, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2024
College Council, College of Arts & Letters, University of Notre Dame, 2024 - 2027
Graduate Awards and Grants Committee, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, 2024-2025
Editorial Board/ Comité de rédaction, La Révolution française: Cahiers de l’Institut d’histoire de la Révolution française, 2021 – 2024
Chair Advisory Committee, History Department, University of Notre Dame, 2023-2024
Louis A. Gottschalk Book Prize Committee, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2021/2022
James L. Clifford Prize Committee, American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2021
Graduate Studies Committee, History Department, University of Notre Dame, 2018-2019, 2021-2021
Strategic Planning Committee, History Department, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2021, Spring 2022
Coordinating Council for Women in History, Mentor in Mentorship Program, 2018-2020
Manuscript Review for Histoire sociale/Social History, La Révolution française
Western Association of Women Historians, Founders’ Dissertation Fellowship Committee, 2016-2019; Chair 2018-2019
Selection Committee, Kellogg/Kroc Undergraduate Research Grant, Spring 2019
Coordinating Council for Women in History, Mentor in Mentorship Program, 2018-Present
History of War Search Committee, History Department, University of Notre Dame, 2017-2018
Undergraduate Studies Committee, History Department, University of Notre Dame, 2017-2018
Reviewer for Laura Shannon Prize, Nanovic Institute, University of Notre Dame, 2017, 2018, 2021
Application Reviewer, Kellogg Institute Visiting Fellowship, University of Notre Dame, Fall 2017
Intellectual Life Committee, History Department, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2017
Comité Directeur (Co-organizer), Seminar “Genre et classes populaires,” held monthly at Université Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic years
Co-editor of the Website Genre et Classes Populaires (Carnet de recherche), 2011 – November 2016,
Speakers Committee, History Department, Baylor University, 2014-2016
*Organized the 2016 Edmondson Historical Lecture Series on “The History of Human Rights” featuring Lynn Hunt
Strategic Planning Committee, History Department, Baylor University, 2015-2016
Baylor University Women’s Colloquium, Fall 2014 – Spring 2016
Faculty Partner, Collins Residence Hall, Baylor University, Spring 2015
Joint Committee on Teaching Assistants, History Department, Graduate Student Representative, University of Wisconsin, September 2011 - May 2013
Transnational Asia Faculty Search, Graduate Student Committee Member, Spring 2012
Fulbright France, Interview Jury for Teaching Assistants, January 2011
Joint Committee on Diversity, History Department, appointed Graduate Student Representative, University of Wisconsin, September 2009 - May 2010
Program in Gender and Women’s History Academic Committee, Graduate Student Representative, University of Wisconsin, January 2008 - May 2009
Program in Gender and Women’s History Workshop Committee, University of Wisconsin, January 2008 - May 2009
Incoming Student Mentor, History Department, University of Wisconsin, 2008, 2011, 2013
Panelist, Publishing Journal Articles, Association of Graduate Historians and the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Working Group, September 2024
Panelist, College of Arts and Letters Dean’s Panel on Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure, March 2022
Sorin Seminar for Faculty, May 2019
Mapother Lunch Series with Provost Thomas Burish, March 2018
Guest Speaker, “Preparing for the Academic Job Market,” Nanovic Institute, Event for Graduate Students, February 2017
Consultant for Northern Hills Middle School National History Day Team (Grand Rapids, Michigan), “Bread or Blood”: The Uprising of the French Revolution,” Junior Performance, National Finalists, 2012
Historical Researcher and Author, Wiawaka Exhibit at Albany International Airport, June-August 2007
American Historical Association
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Coordinating Council for Women in History
Mnémosyne (Association pour le développement de l’histoire des femmes et du genre)
Society for French Historical Studies
Western Association of Women Historian
Western Society for French History